Comment history with emmijane
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 comments
i dont like miley is what i was trying to say down there
idiots who are most likely disney zombies.. who go about believing life is sunny and always perfect with nothing wrong even if they take pics with their dads half naked and cut themselves over a jonas brother.??
well i did submit a joker layout from the dark knight yesterday
dont get me wrong hun, pretty much ALL of your layouts are hot & i bet a million people out there love them as well. just fashion, pink stuff isn't me, but just ignore all those comments. just my opinion. but if i was the girly kind, you'd totally be my first source [:
fashion models because i do fashion well. i'd be happy to do another themed layout, like a dark one? i just do things as i think of em or as ppl give me ideas of inspiration. :)